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Hall of Fame: Support Nightmares

In the course of our work, we hear about Support Nightmares that our clients have experienced at the hands of other service providers. Here are just a few examples:

You Didn't Know You Needed This!

A realtor client told her computer guy what she wanted done, which was minimal. She went out to run an errand, and when she came back, she found the technician sitting in the middle of the floor with computer components all around him. He told her that in working on her computer he had found a bunch of other things that need attention! At SimpliTek, we do what you ask us to, and no more. If there is more that needs to be done, we'll tell you and let you decide.

Can't Get There From Here

Many of the service technicians from the big box computer stores come out to do a specific task or set of tasks. If you want them to do something that is not on the list, well . . . they can't accommodate you until you call the store and order up more services.

I Don't Have the Right Part

Many computer technicians show up with only the parts they think they are going to need. Then when they discover otherwise, they are off to the computer store to get more parts, and meanwhile you sit with a non-working computer. At SimpliTek, we carry around a huge collection of parts such as disk drives, cables, memory, DVD drives, network gear . . in short, a computer store on wheels. If you need it and we don't have it with us, well, that's going to be very unusual.

I'm Sure I Can Figure It Out

No computer technician knows everything, but there are far too many that will take on ANY job, even if they've never done it before, thinking that they'll be able to figure it out. That's like your dentist deciding to do a tonsillectomy. At SimpliTek, if we have never done something before, you will know that in advance, and we'll make sure we don't get in over our head. And regardless of whether we "figure it out" or not, we strive to always get you back to where we started with no damage done.

What Can I Sell You Today?

Some computer technicians never met a technology that they didn't like and think that ANYONE can benefit from. So, they try to sell everything to everyone, whether it's appropriate or not. At SimpliTek, we take into account what you are trying to do, your budget, your learning curve and your patience with change before recommending anything. We often spend more time talking our customers OUT OF buying things because we know they just won't work for that client.

Hall of Famers

Dork Force
Phone Nerd
Tech Clown

These Guys . . .

. . . don't work for SimpliTek. All of our technicians are carefully screened and trained so that you can have complete confidence in the person we send to your office.